Sunday, August 7, 2011

A New Leash on Life - Part 2 of 3

Apparently - you cannot put more than on video in a posting??  So I've split the previous posting into 3 parts. Enjoy!
After I found Libby, we headed to the beach for her first run in the sand and water.  She wasn't too keen on the waves, she was more interested in eating all the slimey 'lake-weed' and drift wood that washed up on shore.  Shawn finally picked her up to introduce her to the water, but she still was having nothing to do with it; she did however, humour Shawn by doing a bit of a dog paddle above water as he held her.

Having a carefree and happy puppy around for a week certainly gives you a new leash on life.  Bonnie

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Christmas 2016

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